
  • Children

    Please note that the salon environment can be dangerous and boring place for children. It is not recommended to bring them with you, to help prevent accidents. Hedi And Hair Salon is not childproof. There are chemicals, breakables, outlets, sharp & hot tools, etc. easily reachable to little hands. Please keep in mind that your hair will reflect my level of distraction when there is a little one at the salon.

  • Running behind

    If you happen to be running behind please contact me through the appointment confirmation text messaging as soon as possible to let me know. I’ll do my best to accommodate you. However, appointments running 15 minutes or more behind, may not be able to receive all services scheduled, may be asked to reschedule and/or be subject to a cancellation fee. I understand that emergencies arise, but if this is a recurring issue, a late fee will be added to your appointment’s cost.

  • Payment

    I accept major credit cards and Venmo. Payment is due in full at the time of service. No exceptions!